Understanding Clustering Analysis

Pranav Karra

Clustering Overview

  • Unsupervised learning
  • Requires data, but no labels
  • Detect patterns e.g. in
    • Group emails or search results
    • Customer shopping patterns
    • Regions of images
  • Useful when don’t know what you’re looking for
  • But: can get gibberish

Workshop Overview

This presentation will teach you the basics of clustering, including:

  • Understanding the concept of clustering
  • Learning about the K-means algorithm
  • Implementing K-means in practical scenarios
  • Exploring image segmentation using K-means

Basic Concept

  • Basic idea: group together similar instances
  • Example: 2D point patterns

Similarity Measures

  • What could similar mean?
    • One option: small Euclidean distance (squared)
    • Clustering results are crucially dependent on the measure of similarity (or distance) between “points” to be clustered

\[dist(\vec{x}, \vec{y}) = ||\vec{x} - \vec{y}||^2_2\]

Clustering Algorithms

Two main categories:

  1. Hierarchical algorithms
    • Bottom-up: agglomerative
    • Top-down: divisive
  2. Partitional algorithms (flat)
    • K-means
    • Mixture of Gaussians
    • Spectral Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering Example

Clustering Examples: Image Segmentation

Goal: Break up the image into meaningful or perceptually similar regions

K-Means Algorithm

An iterative clustering algorithm:

  1. Initialize: Pick K random points as cluster centers
  2. Alternate:
    • Assign data points to closest cluster center
    • Change the cluster center to the average of its assigned points
  3. Stop when no points assignments change

K-Means Visualization

K-Means Example: Step 1

Initial random centers (K=2)

K-Means Example: Step 2

Assign points to nearest center

K-Means Example: Step 3

Repeat until convergence

K-Means Example: Step 4

Change the cluster center to the average of the assigned points

Properties of K-means Algorithm

  • Guaranteed to converge in a finite number of iterations
  • Running time per iteration:
    1. Assign data points to closest cluster center: O(KN) time
    2. Change the cluster center to average of assigned points: O(N)

K-Means Getting Stuck

Example of cases where K-Means gets stuck

How we can handle such cases

Workshop Part 1: K-Means from Scratch

Let’s implement K-means clustering step by step!

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython import display
import time

# For reproducibility

Generate Sample Data

# Generate 3 clusters
cluster1 = np.random.normal(loc=[2, 2], scale=0.5, size=(100, 2))
cluster2 = np.random.normal(loc=[8, 3], scale=0.5, size=(100, 2))
cluster3 = np.random.normal(loc=[5, 7], scale=0.5, size=(100, 2))

# Combine all data
data = np.vstack([cluster1, cluster2, cluster3])

# Number of clusters
k = 3

# Initialize centers randomly
centers = data[np.random.choice(len(data), k, replace=False)]

Function 1: Assign Clusters

def assign_clusters(data, centers):
    Assign each data point to nearest center
        data: Array of data points (n_samples, n_features)
        centers: Array of cluster centers (k, n_features)
        Array of cluster assignments for each point
    distances = np.sqrt(((data - centers[:, np.newaxis]) ** 2).sum(axis=2))
    return np.argmin(distances, axis=0)

Function 2: Update Centers

def update_centers(data, labels, k):
    Update cluster centers to mean of assigned points
        data: Array of data points
        labels: Cluster assignments for each point
        k: Number of clusters
        Array of new cluster centers
    return np.array([data[labels == i].mean(axis=0) for i in range(k)])

Function 3: K-means Visualization

Part 1

def kmeans_visualize(data, k, max_iters=100):
    Run K-means clustering with visualization
        data: Input data points
        k: Number of clusters
        max_iters: Maximum iterations
    # Initialize centers randomly
    centers = data[np.random.choice(len(data), k, replace=False)]
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

Function 3: K-means Visualization

Part 2

    for i in range(max_iters):
        # Assign clusters
        labels = assign_clusters(data, centers)
        # Plot data points with cluster colors
        for j in range(k):
            cluster_points = data[labels == j]
            plt.scatter(cluster_points[:, 0], cluster_points[:, 1], 
                       label=f'Cluster {j + 1}')

Function 3: K-means Visualization

Part 3

        # Update centers
        new_centers = update_centers(data, labels, k)
        # Plot old and new centers
        plt.scatter(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], color='black', 
                   marker='x', s=100, label='Old Centers')
        plt.scatter(new_centers[:, 0], new_centers[:, 1], color='red',
                   marker='x', s=100, label='New Centers')

Function 3: K-means Visualization

Part 4

        # Check convergence
        if np.all(new_centers == centers):
        centers = new_centers
        plt.title(f'Iteration {i + 1}')
        plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Running K-means

# Run K-means visualization
kmeans_visualize(data, k)

Workshop Part 2: Image Segmentation

Let’s segment an image using K-means

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

# Read in the image
image = cv2.imread('image.png')

# Change color to RGB (from BGR)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

Pre Processing the Image

# Reshaping the image into a 2D array of pixels and 3 color values (RGB)
pixel_vals = image.reshape((-1,3))
# Convert to float type
pixel_vals = np.float32(pixel_vals)

Setting Stop Conditions for the Algorithm

This line sets the stopping criteria: either 100 iterations or 85% accuracy.

criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.85)

Perform K-Means

Random Centers are initally chosen.

k = 3
retval, labels, centers = cv2.kmeans(pixel_vals, k, None, criteria, 10, cv2 KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)

Convert Data into 8-Bit and then into the original image dimension

# convert data into 8-bit values
centers = np.uint8(centers)
segmented_data = centers[labels.flatten()]
# reshape data into the original image dimensions
segmented_image = segmented_data.reshape((image.shape))


Final Segmented Image

Thank you